05 NEC quiz 100                                                                                                    www.garyklinka.com



1.  Print these pages.

2.  Circle the correct answers

3.  Use the 2005 NEC Code book.

4.  Page down to the last page for the verification forms and mailing instructions.


1. Premises wiring must not be electrically connected to a supply system unless the supply system contains, for any grounded conductor of the interior system, a corresponding conductor that is ungrounded.

a) true                                                             

b) false


2. The application of distinctive marking at the terminals during the process of installation must identify the grounded conductor of ____ metal-sheathed cable.

a) armored                   

b) mineral-insulated                  

c) copper                     

d) aluminum


3. Grounded conductors larger than 6 AWG must be identified by ____.

a) a continuous white or gray outer finish along their entire length

b) three continuous white stripes along their entire length

c) distinctive white or gray tape or paint at terminations

d) a, b, or c


4. Where grounded conductors of different wiring systems are installed in the same raceway, cable, or enclosure, each grounded conductor must be identified in a manner that makes it possible to distinguish the grounded conductors for each system. This means of identification must be ____.

a) permanently posted at each branch-circuit panelboard

b) posted inside each junction box where both system neutrals are present

c) done using a listed labeling technique

d) all of these


5. A cable containing an insulated conductor with a white outer finish can be used for single pole, 3-way or 4- way switch loops, if it is permanently reidentified by painting or other effective  means at its termination, and at each location where the conductor is visible and accessible.

a) true                                                             

b) false


6. Receptacles, polarized attachment plugs and cord connectors for plugs and polarized plugs must have the terminal intended of connection to the grounded conductor identified. Identification must be by a metal or metal coating that is substantially ____ in color, or by the word white or the letter W located adjacent to the identified terminal.

a) green                                   

b) white                       

c) gray                         

d) b or c


7. No ____ can be attached to any terminal or lead so as to reverse designated polarity.

a) grounded conductor                                      

b) grounding conductor

c) ungrounded conductor                                   

d) grounding connector


8. 120/208V or 480Y/227V, 3-phase, 4-wire, wye systems used to supply nonlinear loads such as personal computers, energy-efficient electronic ballasts, electronic dimming, etc., cause distortion of the phase and neutral currents producing high, unwanted, and potentially hazardous harmonic neutral currents. The Code cautions us that the system design for multiwire branch circuits should allow for the possibility high harmonic neutral currents.

a) true                                                             

b) false

                                    210.4(A) FPN

9. When more than one nominal voltage system exits in a building, each ungrounded system conductor must be identified by system. The means of identification must be permanently posted at each branch-circuit panelboard.

a) true                                                             

            b) false


10. Where more than one nominal voltage system exists in a building, each ____ conductor of a branch circuit, where accessible, must be identified by system.

                        a) grounded                  

                        b) ungrounded              

                        c) grounding                 

                        d) all of these


11. A branch-circuit voltage that exceeds 277 volts-to-ground and does not exceed 600V between conductors is used to wire the auxiliary equipment of electrical discharge lamps mounted on poles. The minimum height of these luminaries must not be less than ____.

a) 31 ft                        

b) 15 ft                        

c) 18 ft                        

d) 22 ft


12. Where two or more branch circuits supply devices or equipment on the same yoke, a means to disconnect simultaneously all ungrounded (hot) conductors that supply those devices or equipment must be provided ____.

a) at the point where the branch circuit originates

b) at the location of the device or equipment

c) at the point where the feeder originates

d) none of these


13. All 15 and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles installed in bathrooms of ____ must have ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection for personnel.

a) guest rooms in hotels/motels                                      

b) dwelling units

c) office buildings                                                         

d) all of these

                         210.8(A)(1) and (B)(1)

14. GFCI protection is required for all 150 and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles in accessory buildings that have floor located at or below grade level not intended as ___ and limited to storage areas, work areas, or similar use.

a) habitable                  

b) finished                    

c) a or b                       

d) none of these


15. GFCI protection for personnel is required for fixed electric snow melting or deicing equipment receptacles that are not readily accessible and are supplied by a dedicated branch circuit.

a) true                                                             

b) false

                                    210.8(A)(3)  Ex

16. GFCI protection for personnel is required for all 150 and 20A, 125V single phase receptacles installed to serve the countertop surfaces in dwelling unit kitchens.

a) true                                                             

b) false


17. All 15 and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles installed in dwelling unit boathouses must have GFCI protection for personnel.

a) true                                                             

b) false


18. GFCI protection for personnel is required for all 15 and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles installed on rooftops in other than dwelling units, including those for fixed electric snow melting or deicing equipment.

a) true                                                             

b) false

                        210.8(B)(3) and (4) Ex

19. In locations other than dwelling units, a kitchen ____.

a) is required to have GFCI protection on all 15 and 20A, 125V single-phase receptacles

b) includes a sink

c) includes permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking

d) all of these


20. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel must be provided for outlets that supply boat hoists installed in dwelling unit locations and supplied by a 15 or 20A, 120V branch circuit.

a) true                                                                         

b) false


21. Two or more ____, 120V small-appliance branch circuits must be provided to supply power for the receptacle outlets in the dwelling unit kitchen, dining room, breakfast room, pantry, or similar dining areas.

a) 15A                         

b) 20A                         

c) 30A                         

d) either 20A or 30A


22. An individual 20A circuit is permitted to supply power to a single dwelling unit bathroom for receptacle outlet(s) and other equipment within the same bathroom.

a) true                                                                         

b) false

                                    210.11(C)(3) Ex

23. All 15 or 20A, 120V branch  circuits that supply outlets in dwelling unit bedrooms must be AFCI protected by a listed arc-fault circuit interrupter of the combination type after January 1, 2008.

a) true                                                             

b) false


24. ________ provided with permanent provisions for cooking must have branch circuits and outlets installed to meet the rules for dwelling units.

a) Guest rooms             

b) Guest suites             

c) Commercial kitchens            

d) a and b


25. The recommended maximum total voltage drop on both the feeder and branch-circuit conductors combined is ____ percent.

a) 3                             

b) 2                             

c) 5                             

d) 4.6

                        210.19(A)(1) FPN No.4, and 215.2(A)(4) FPN No.2

26. Where a branch circuit supplies continuous loads, or any combination of continuous and non-continuous loads, the rating of the overcurrent device must not be less than the non-continuous load plus 125 percent of the continuous load.

a) true                                                             

b) false


27. When connected to a branch circuit supplying ____ or more receptacles or outlets, a receptacle must not supply a total cord-plug connected load in excess of the maximum specified in Table 210.21(B)(2).

a) two                          

b) three                        

c) four                         


                         210.21 (B) (2)

28. If a 20A branch circuit supplies multiple 125V receptacles, the receptacles must have an ampere rating of no less than ____.

a) 10A                         

b) 15A                         

c) 20A                         

d) 30A

                         210.21(B)(3) and Table 210.21(B)(3)

29. The total rating of utilization equipment fastened in place, other than luminaries, must not exceed ____ percent of the branch circuit ampere rating where the circuit also supplies receptacles for cord-and-plug connected equipment not fastened in place and/or lighting units

                                    a) 50                            

b) 75                            

c) 100                          

d) 125


30. ____ in dwelling units must supply only loads within that dwelling unit or loads associate3d only with that dwelling unit.

a)service-entrance conductors                           

b) Ground-fault protection

c) Branch circuits                                             

d) none of these


31. Receptacle outlets installed for a specific appliance in a dwelling unit, such as a clothes washer, dryer, range, or refrigerator, must be within ____ of the intended location of the appliance.

a) sight                                                            

b) 6 ft

c) 3 ft                                                              

d) readily accessible, no maximum distance


32. When applying the general provisions for receptacle spacing to the rooms of a dwelling unit, which require receptacles in the wall space, no point along the floor line any wall space of a dwelling unit may be more that ____ from an outlet.

a) 12 ft                        

b) 10 ft                        

c) 8 ft                          

d) 6 ft


33. In dwelling unit, each wall space of ____ or wider requires a receptacle.

a) 2 ft                          

b) 3 ft                          

c) 4 ft                          

d) 5 ft


34. In dwelling units, outdoor receptacles can be connected to one of the 20A small-appliance branch circuits.

a) true                                                             

b) false

                        210.52(B)(1) and (2)

35. A receptacle connected to one of the small-appliance branch circuits can be used to supply an electric clock.

a) true                                                                         

b) false

                        210.52(B)(2) Ex 1

36. Receptacles installed in a kitchen to serve countertop surfaces must be supplied by not fewer than ____ small-appliance branch circuits.

a) one                          

b) two                          

c) three                        

d) no minimum


37. A receptacle outlet must be installed at each wall counter space that is 12 in. or wider so that no point along the wall line is more than ____, measured horizontally, from a receptacle outlet in that space.

a) 10 in                        

b) 12 in                        

c) 16 in                                    

d) 24 in

                        210.52 (C)(1)

38. At least one receptacle outlet must be installed at each peninsular countertop or island not containing a sink or range top, having a long dimension of ____ in, or greater, and a short dimension of ____ in. or greater.

a) 12, 24                      

b) 24, 12                      

c) 24, 48                                  

d) 48, 24

                         210.52(C)(2) and (C)(3)

39. For the purpose of determining the placement of receptacles in a dwelling unit kitchen, a(n) ____ countertop is measured from the connecting edge.

a) island                       

b) usable                      

c) peninsular                            

d) cooking


40. Kitchen and dinging room countertop receptacle outlets in dwelling units must be installed above the countertop surface, and not more than ____ above the countertop.

a) 12 in                        

b) 20 in                        

c) 24 in                                    

d) none of these


41. The required receptacle for a dwelling unit countertop surface can be mounted a maximum height of ____ above a dwelling unit kitchen counter surface.

a) 10 in                        

b) 12 in                        

c) 18 in                                    

d) 20 in


42. In dwelling units, the required wall receptacle outlet is allowed to be installed on the side or front of the basin cabinet if no lower than ____ below the countertop.

a) 12 in                        

b) 118 in                      

c) 24 in                                    

d) 36 in

                         210.52(D) Ex

43. At least one receptacle outlet accessible from grade level and not more than ____ above grade must be installed at each dwelling unit of a multifamily dwelling located at grade level and provided with individual exterior entrance/egress.

a) 3 ft                          

b) 6 ½ ft                      

c) 8 ft                                      

d) 24 in


44. For one family dwelling, at least one receptacle outlet is required in each ______.

a) basement                                                     

b) attached garage

c) detached garage with electric power              

d) all of these


45. Hallways in dwelling units that are ____ long or longer require a receptacle outlet.

a) 12 ft                        

b) 10 ft                        

c) 8 ft                                      

d) 15 ft


46. Guest rooms or guest suites provided with permanent provisions for ____ must have receptacle outlets installed in accordance with all of the applicable requirements for a dwelling unit in accordance with 210.52

a) whirlpool tubs                                               

b) bathing                     

c) cooking                                                        

d) internet access


47. Then number of receptacle outlets for guest rooms in hotels and motels must not be less than that required for a dwelling unit, in accordance with 210.52(A). These receptacles can be located to be convenient for permanent furniture layout, but lesson fewer than ____ receptacle outlets must be readily accessible.

a) 4                             

b) 2                             

c) 6                                         

d) 1


48.  A 15 or 20A, 125V, single-phase receptacle outlet must be installed at an accessible location for the servicing of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment.

a) 10 ft                        

b) 15 ft                        

c)20 ft                                     

d) 25 ft


49.  In a dwelling unit, at least ____ wall switch-controlled lighting outlet(s) must be installed in every dwelling unit habitable room and bathroom.

a) one                          

b) three                        

c) six                                       

d) none of these


50. In ____ rooms other than kitchens and bathrooms of dwelling units, one or more receptacles controlled by a wall switch are permitted in lieu of lighting outlets.

a) habitable                  

b) finished                    

c) all                                        

d) a and b

                        210.70(A)(1) Ex 1

51. In a dwelling unit, illumination from a lighting outlet must be provided at the exterior side of each outdoor entrance or exit that has grade-level access.

a) true                                                             

b) false


52. Where a lighting outlet(s) is installed for interior stairways, there must be a wall switch at each floor landing that includes an entryway where the stairway between floor levels has four risers or more.

                        a) true                                                                

                                    b) false


53. In a dwelling unit, at least one lighting outlet ___________ located at the point of entry to the attic, under floor space, utility room, and the basement must be installed where these spaces are used for storage or contain equipment requiring servicing.

                        a) that is unswitched and                            

                        b) controlled by a wall switch

                        c) containing a switch   

                        d) b or c


54. For other than dwelling units, a lighting outlet containing a switch or controlled by a wall switch is required near equipment requiring servicing in attics or underfloor spaces, and at least on point of control must be located at the point of entrance to the attic or underfloor space.

a) true                                                          

b) false


55. The feeder conductor ampacity must not be less than that of the service-entrance conductors where the feeder conductors carry the total load supplied by service-entrance conductors with an ampacity of ____ or less.

a) 100A              

b) 60A                    

c) 55A                             

d) 30A


56. Where installed in a metal raceway, all feeder conduct ors using a common grounded conductor must be _____.

a) insulated for 600V                   

b) 60A               

c) 55A         

d) 30A


57. When a feeder supplies ________ in which equipment grounding conductors are required, the feeder must include or provide a grounding means to which the equipment grounding conductors of the branch circuits must be connected.

a) equipment disconnecting means               

b) electrical systems

c) branch circuits                                         

d) electric-discharge lighting equipment


58. Ground-fault protection of equipment is not required at the feeder disconnect if ground-fault protection of equipment is provided on the ______ side of the feeder.

a) load         

b) supply          

c) service           

d) none of these

                                    215.10 Ex 3

59. When computations in Article 220 result in a fraction of an ampere that is less than ________, such fractions can be dropped.

a) 0.49            

b) 0.50             

c) 0.51              

d) none of these


60. When determining the load for luminaires for branch circuits, the load must be based on the __________.

a) wattage rating of the luminaire socket        

b) maximum VA rating of the equipment and lamps

c) wattage rating of the lamps                        

d) none of these


61. For other than dwelling occupancies, banks, or office buildings, each receptacle outlet must be computed at not less than _____ VA for each single or each multiple receptacle on one yoke.

a) 1,500              

b) 180                

c) 20                      

d) 3


62. The 3 VA per square foot general lighting load for dwelling units includes general use receptacles and lighting outlets and no additional load calculations are required for these.

a)  true                             

b) false


63. The minimum feeder load for show-window lighting is _____ per-linear- foot.

a) 400 VA           

b) 200 VA                   

c) 300 VA              

d) 180 VA


64. Receptacle loads fro nondwelling units, computed in accordance with 220.14(H) and (I), are permitted to be______.

a) added to the lighting loads and made subject to the demand factors of Table 220.42

b) made subject to the demand factors of Table 220.44

c) made subject to the lighting demand loads of Table 220.12

d) a or b


65. The feeder and service load for fixed electric space heating must be computed at _________ percent of the total connected load.

a) 125                

b) 100                      

c) 80                    

d) 200


66. When sizing a feeder for the fixed appliance loads in dwelling units, a demand factor of 75 percent of the total nameplate ratings can be applied if there are _____ or more appliances fastened in place on the same feeder (not including washer, dryer, heating, or air conditioning.)

a) two            

b) three                 

c) four                       

d) five


67. The load for electric clothes dryers in a dwelling unit must be ______ watts or the nameplate rating, whichever is larger, per dryer.

a) 1,500                    

b) 4,500                        

c) 5,000                               

d) 8,000


68. The feeder demand load for four 6kW cooktops is _____ kW

a) 17                    

b) 4                             

             c) 12                        

d) 24

                        Table 220.55, Note 3

69. For identically sized ranges rated more than 12 kW but not more than 27 kW, the maximum demand in column C must be increased by ________ percent of the column C value for each additional kilowatt of rating, or major fraction thereof. by which the rating of the individual ranges exceeds 12 kW.

a) 125                          

b) 10                         

c) 5                      

d) 80

                        Table 220.55 Note 1          

70. The feeder demand load for ranges individually rated more than 8 ¾ kW and of different ratings, but none exceeding 27 kW, is calculated by adding all of the ranges together and dividing by the total number of ranges to find an average value.  The column C value for the number of ranges in the increased by _______ percent for each kW or major fraction that the average value exceeds 12 kW.

a) 125                      

b) 10                     

c) 5                         

d) 80

                        Table 220.55 Note 2

71. Table 220.56 may be app0lied to compute the load for thermostatically controlled or intermittently used _____ and other kitchen equipment in a commercial kitchen.

a) commercial electric cooking equipment              

b) dishwasher booster heaters

c) water heaters                                                              

d) all of these


72. Where it is unlikely that two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously, it is permissible to use only the _____ loads on at any given time in computing the total load to a feeder.

a) smaller of the           

b) largest of the             

c) difference between the    

d) none of these


73. There must be no reduction in the size of the grounded conductor on _____ type loads.

a) dwelling unit              

b) hospital                     

c) nonlinear                      

d) motel


74. Feeder and service-entrance conductors with demand loads determined by the use of 220.82 are permitted to have the _______ load determined by 220.61.

a) feeder                    


c) neutral                     

d) none of these


75. A demand factor of _________ percent applies to a multifamily dwelling with ten units if the optional calculation method is used.

a) 75                         

b) 60                        

c) 50                          

d) 43

                        220.84 and Table 220.84

76. The calculated load to which the demand factors of Table 220.84 apply must include the _____ rating of all appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located to be on a specific circuit.  These include ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter—mounted cooking units, clothes dryers, water heaters, and space heaters.

a) calculated              

b) nameplate            

c) circuit                   

d) overcurrent protection

                        220.84 (C)(3)

77. Feeder conductors for new restaurants are not required to be of ________ ampacity than the service-entrance conductors.

a) greater          

b) lesser                     

c) equal                    

d) none of these


78. When a farm dwelling has electric heat and the farm operation has electric grain-drying systems, Part _____ of Article 220 cannot be used to compute the dwelling load where the dwelling and farm load are supplied by a common service.

a) I                 

b) II                  


d) IV


79. Open individual conductors must not be smaller than ______ AWG copper for spans up to 50 ft in length and _____ AWG copper for a longer span, unless supported by a messenger wire.

a) 10,8          

b) 6,8                 

c) 6,6           

d) all of these


80. Where a mast is used for overhead conductor support of outside branch circuits and feeders, it must have adequate mechanical strength, or braces or guy wires to support it, to withstand the strain caused by the conductors.  Only ______ conductors can be attached to the mast.

a) communications            

b) fiber optic       

c) feeder or branch circuit       

d) all of these


81. The minimum clearance for overhead conductors not exceeding 600V that pass over commercial areas subject to truck traffic is ___________.

a) 10 ft            

b) 12 ft                

c) 15 ft                     

d) 18 ft


82. If a set of 120/240V overhead conductors terminates at a through-the-roof raceway or approved support, with less than 6 ft of these conductors passing over the roof overhang, the minimum clearance above the roof for these conductors is_________.

a) 12 in.           

b) 18 in.           

c) 2 ft               

d) 5 ft

                        225.19(A) Ex 3

83. Overhead conductors to a building must maintain a vertical clearance of final spans above, or within _________ measured horizontally from the plate forms, projections, or surfaces from which they might be reached.

a) 3 ft          

b) 6 ft                 

c) 8ft                 

d) 10 ft


84. Raceways on exterior surfaces of buildings or other structures must be arranged to drain, and in _____ locations must be raintight.

a) damp                  

b) wet            

c) dry                  

d) all of these


85. A building or structure must be supplied by a maximum of _____ feeders(s) or branch circuit(s).

a) one             

b) two                      

c) three                      

d) as many as desired


86. The building disconnecting means must be installed at a(n) _________ location.

a) accessible    

b) readily accessible                

c) outdoor                

d) indoor


87. There must be no more than ________ disconnects installed for each electric supply.

a) two              

b) four                      

c) six                   

d) none of these


88. The one or more additional disconnecting means for fire pumps or for emergency, legally required standby or optional standby systems as permitted by 225.30, must be installed sufficiently remote from the one to six disconnecting means for normal supply to minimize the possibility of ________ interruption of supply.

a) accidental          

b) intermittent             

c) simultaneous                

d) prolonged


89. In a multiple-occupancy building where electrical maintenance is provided by the building management under continuous building management supervision, the building disconnecting means supplying more than one occupancy can be accessible to authorized _____ only.

a) inspectors             

b) tenants           

c) management personnel       

d) none of these

                                    225.35 Ex

90. The building or structure disconnecting means must plainly indicate whether it is in the __________ position.

a) open or closed            

b) correct         

c) up or down                   

d) none of these


91. For installations consisting of not more than two 2-2ire branch circuits, the building disconnecting means must have a rating of not less than _____.

a) 15A            

b) 20A                    

c) 25A                          

d) 30A


92. Additional services must be permitted for a single building or other structure sufficiently large to make two or more services necessary if permitted by _______.

a) architects                                

b) special permission                        

c) written authorization              

d) master electrician  


93. Where a building or structure is supplied by more than one service, or a combination of branch circuits, feeders and services a permanent plaque or directory must be installed at each service disconnect location denoting all other _______ supplying that building or structure and the area served by each.

a) services             

b) feeders                    

c) branch circuits           

d) all of these


94. Conductors other than service conductors must not be installed in the same ________.

a) service raceway           

b) service cable          

c) enclosure               

d) a or b


95. Service conductors installed as unjacketed multiconductor cable must have a minimum clearance of _____ from windows that are designed to be opened, doors porches, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.

a) 3 ft                    

b) 4 ft                    

c) 6 ft                       

d) 10 ft


96. ________________ must not be installed beneath openings through which materials may be moved, such as openings in farm and commercial buildings, and must not be installed where they will obstruct entrance to these building openings.

a) Overcurrent protection devices              

b) overhead-service conductors

c) Grounding conductors                           

d) Wiring systems


97.  Service-drop conductors must have_____________.

a) sufficient ampacity to carry the current for the load

b) adequate mechanical strength

c) a or b

d) a and b


98. Service drops installed over roofs must have a vertical clearance of _____ above the roof surface.

a) 8 ft              

b)  12 ft               

c) 15 ft                 

d) 3 ft


99. The requirement for maintaining a 3 ft vertical clearance from the edge of the roof does not apply to the final conductor span where the service drop is attached to _________.

a) a service pole          

b) the side of a building        

c) an antenna         

d) the base of a building

                        230.24(A) Ex 4

100. The minimum clearance for service drops not exceeding 600V that pass over commercial areas subject to truck traffic is __________________.

a) 10 ft                 

b) 12 ft               

c) 15 ft                    

d) 18 ft


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